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Western Bays Resiliency Initiative

About the Western Bays Resiliency Initiative

The Western Bays Resiliency Initiative is led by Nassau County and aims to improve the Western Bays’ water quality and storm resiliency. Due to the excess nitrogen in the Western Bays and the rising sea levels, there has been a significant decrease in fish, marsh ecosystems, and the marshes’ ability to safeguard surrounding areas against severe weather events.


To improve the water quality and storm resiliency in Nassau County, the Western Bays Resiliency Initiative will prevent excess nitrogen from being discharged in the Western Bays, provide enhanced wastewater treatment, storm-harden several wastewater facilities, and restore marshlands.


The Western Bays Resiliency Initiative will achieve these solutions through various projects – the Bay Park Conveyance Project, the Long Beach Consolidation Project, and the Point Lookout Sewer Feasibility Study.

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